पौरुष ग्रन्थि का बढ़ जाना (ENLARGEMENT OF PROSTATE GLAND), लिंग की चमड़ी उलट जाना, लिंग मुण्ड का न खुलना, (PHIMOSIS), जन्मजात निरुद्धता (CONGENITAL PHIMOSIS)

  पौरुष ग्रन्थि का बढ़ जाना (ENLARGEMENT OF PROSTATE GLAND) रोग परिचय कारण एवं लक्षण:- इसमें पौरुषग्रन्थि बगैर सूजन के बढ़ जाती है। यह रोग बिना कीटाणुओं के आक्रमण से हो जाता है। यही कारण है कि इसमें दर्द और ज्वर आदि नहीं होता है। प्राय: यह रोग 50 वर्ष की आयु के बाद ही होता है। प्रारम्भ में मूत्र में कुछ कठिनाई और रुकावट सी आती है, बाद में मूत्र बिना कष्ट के, सामान्य रूप से आने लगता है। रोग बढ़ जाने पर मूत्र बार-बार आता है, मूत्राशय मूत्र सें पूरा खाली नहीं होता, कुछ न कुछ मूत्र मूत्राशय में रुका ही रह जाता है। मूत्र करते समय रोगी को ऐसा महसूस होता है कि जैसे कोई चीज मूत्र को बाहर निकलने से रोक रही है। इस रोग के मुख्य कारण अत्यधिक मैथुन तथा अत्यधिक सुरापान है। यह रोग प्रायः तर मौसम (तर जलवायु) में रहने वालों को अधिक हुआ करता है। चिकित्सा:- इस रोग में खट्टे, ठन्डे और तर भोजनों और तरकारियों तथा देर से पचने वाले भोजनों यथा-दही, मट्टा, गोभी, बैंगन, अरबी (घुइयाँ) आदि का पूर्णतयः निषेध है। रोगी को मैथुन न करने की हिदायत दें। 'सोये के तैल' की मालिश करें। यदि औषधियों से रोगी ठीक न हो ...

Ayurvedic remedy for high uric acid lable:

Symptoms, causes and treatment of uric acid

Uric acid

Symptoms of uric acid

  • Pain in legs and joints.
  • Pain in heels.
  • Swelling of the lumps.
  • Severe joint pain in the morning and evening.
  • Unbearable pain in the feet and ankles in getting up after sitting for long at one place. Then the pain becomes normal.
  • Swelling of legs, joints, fingers, lumps.
  • Sugar label increases.
In case of such problem, uric acid test should be done immediately.

Methods of controlling uric acid

  1. Make the powder by taking equal quantity of Gokhru, Punarwa's root, dry gooseberry, take one teaspoon each in the morning, on an empty stomach in the morning and half an hour before eating in the evening. By doing this, uric acid problem will be eliminated from the root.
  2. On increasing uric acid, eat a diet rich in hydraulic fiber. Spinach, broccoli, oats, oatmeal, isabgol husk are beneficial.
  3. Radish 3-4 inch long piece, cucumber 3-4 inch long piece, bitter gourd 3-4 inch long piece, four pieces of green coriander, grate it and squeeze it out in a cloth and drink it on empty stomach. The acid problem is eliminated from the root.
  4. Mixing Amla juice and Aloe vera juice and drinking 10 minutes before eating in the morning and evening is able to reduce uric acid.
  5. Drinking tomato and grapefruit juice is able to reduce uric acid rapidly.
  6. After 5 minutes of eating the food after three minutes, chewing finely 1 teaspoon of flaxseed seeds does not cause uric acid in digestion.
  7. Uric acid is controlled by drinking 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder mixed with 1 cup of hot milk.
  8. During the increase of uric acid, use olive oil in the preparation of food. Vitamin-E and mineral are present in olive oil. Which are helpful in controlling uric acid.
  9. On increasing uric acid, eat walnuts 15-20 minutes before meals. By eating walnuts, the digestive system controls sugars with amino acids. Which is helpful in preventing protein from converting into uric acid.
  10. Eat foods containing vitamin 'C'. Vitamin 'C' is helpful in dissolving uric acid through urine.
  11. Eating 2-3 cherries daily is able to keep uric acid under control. Cherry feet do not allow acid crystals to solidify in the lumps.
  12. Eat half a lemon squeezed in the salad. By drinking 1 lemon in 1 glass of water once a day, uric acid is able to pass through the urine. Do not mix sugar, sweeteners.
  13. To reduce uric acid fast, sweat 45-45 minutes daily by walking fast. Fast walking prevents the acid crystals from freezing on the joints lumps. Together, it is able to smooth blood circulation by stabilizing blood circulation. Walking can easily get rid of hundreds occurring in the body. Rapid walking has been found to be able to control acid quickly.
  14. Close the outside food completely. Eat fresh homemade food. Eat a balanced nutritious diet with fresh fruits, green vegetables, salads, fiber.
  15. Exercise yoga easy everyday. Ropework, yoga easy, is helpful in reducing the use of uric acid. Together, doing yoga-easy-exercise will keep obesity under control.
  16. Soak cotton cloth in hot water and soak it to get relief from excess swelling pain.
  17. Water should be used more and more and drink about 3-4 liters of water a day.

Note: - Periodically check uric acid.

Thanks for reading.


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